Does Target Drug Test For Weed In California: Know the Facts

Are you a resident of California and considering applying for a job at Target? One question that might be on your mind is whether Target conducts drug tests in the state of California. In this article, we will explore the topic of drug testing at Target specifically in California. We will provide you with the information you need to know about Target’s drug testing policies in the state, including whether they require pre-employment drug tests and what types of drugs they test for. So, if you’re curious about whether Target drug tests in California, keep reading to find out all the details.

Target’s Drug Testing Policies in California

When it comes to employment, especially in certain industries, drug testing is a common practice. It helps ensure workplace safety and the well-being of employees and customers. If you are applying for a job at Target in California, you may be wondering about their drug testing policies and whether or not they require pre-employment drug tests.

Target is one of the largest retail chains in the United States, with numerous locations across California. As with any employer, their drug testing policies may vary by state and position. However, in general, Target does conduct drug tests, including pre-employment drug tests, in the state of California.

Like many companies, Target’s drug tests typically screen for a range of illegal substances, such as marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, and opioids. It’s important to note that the specific drugs tested for may depend on the type of job and the potential risks associated with it.

Keep in mind that drug testing policies and procedures can evolve over time, especially as laws regarding marijuana use continue to change. While marijuana is legal for recreational use in California, employers still have the right to test for it and consider positive results when making employment decisions.

To ensure compliance with legal requirements and a safe work environment, it’s always a good idea to refrain from using any illegal substances, especially if you’re applying for a job at Target in California. Remember, even if you pass your pre-employment drug test, random drug tests can still be part of Target’s ongoing commitment to maintaining a drug-free workplace.

With this knowledge, you can now make an informed decision and move forward confidently on your job search at Target in California. In the next section, we will explore other important factors to consider when applying for a job at Target.

Pre-employment drug tests at Target in California

When it comes to applying for a job at Target in California, it’s important to be aware of the company’s pre-employment drug testing policies. As part of their commitment to maintaining a safe and drug-free workplace, Target does conduct pre-employment drug tests for certain positions in California.

During the pre-employment drug testing process, Target screens applicants for a range of substances. The specific drugs tested for may vary depending on the nature of the job and the associated safety risks. While the exact list of substances tested for may vary, it generally includes common drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, opioids, and benzodiazepines.

It’s worth noting that even though marijuana is legal for recreational use in California, employers, including Target, still reserve the right to test for it. This is because while the state has legalized marijuana use, employers have the right to maintain a drug-free workplace and ensure employees are not impaired by drug use while on the job.

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If you are considering applying for a job at Target in California, it’s crucial to understand that refraining from using illegal substances is essential not only for compliance with the law but also to pass the pre-employment drug test. Keep in mind that even if you’ve only used marijuana recreationally and it is legal in the state, it can still show up on a drug test and potentially affect your chances of being hired.

It’s also important to note that pre-employment drug testing is not the only time when Target may conduct drug tests. Once hired, the company reserves the right to perform random drug tests at any time as part of their ongoing efforts to maintain a safe and drug-free environment for all employees.

By being aware of Target’s pre-employment drug testing policies in California, you can approach your job application process with clarity and make informed decisions. Remember, abstaining from illegal substances is crucial not only for your own well-being but also for increasing your chances of success in your job application at Target.

Types of Drugs Target Tests for in California

When it comes to drug testing, Target in California takes a comprehensive approach to ensure a safe and drug-free workplace. The specific drugs that Target tests for may vary depending on the job and associated risks. However, there are some commonly tested substances that you should be aware of if you are applying for a position at Target in California.

Here are some of the drugs that Target commonly tests for in California:

  1. Marijuana: Despite the fact that marijuana is legal for recreational use in California, it is important to note that employers still have the right to test for it. This is because although marijuana is legal at the state level, it remains illegal under federal law. Therefore, if you are using marijuana recreationally, you should be aware that it can still show up on a drug test and potentially affect your candidacy for a job at Target.
  2. Cocaine: Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that is illegal in the United States. Target screens for this drug to ensure a safe and drug-free workplace.
  3. Amphetamines: Amphetamines are a class of drugs that are commonly used as prescription medications for conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. However, they can also be used illicitly. Target tests for amphetamines to prevent the misuse or abuse of these substances.
  4. Opioids: Opioids are a class of drugs that include prescription painkillers such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, and fentanyl, as well as illegal drugs like heroin. Due to the opioid crisis in the United States, Target tests for opioids to ensure the safety and well-being of its employees and customers.
  5. Benzodiazepines: Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs that are commonly prescribed to treat conditions such as anxiety and insomnia. However, they can also be misused or abused. Target tests for benzodiazepines to prevent potential workplace impairment or safety risks.

These are just a few examples of the types of drugs that Target tests for in California. It is important to note that the specific substances tested for may vary depending on the job requirements and associated risks. Being aware of these drug testing policies can help you make informed decisions during the job application process.

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The Legality of Drug Testing in California

Drug testing is a common practice among employers, including Target, to ensure a safe and drug-free workplace. However, it’s important to understand the legality of drug testing in California before applying for a job at Target or any other company in the state.

California has specific laws and regulations that govern drug testing in the workplace. These laws prioritize the privacy and individual rights of employees while allowing employers to maintain a safe working environment. Here are a few key points regarding drug testing in California:

  1. Legalization of marijuana: While marijuana has been legalized for recreational use in California, employers still have the right to test for it. They can include marijuana in their drug testing policies and refuse to hire or terminate employees who test positive for the drug, even if its use is legal outside of work.
  2. Pre-employment drug testing: It is legal for employers in California, including Target, to conduct pre-employment drug testing. They have the right to require job applicants to undergo drug testing as a condition of employment. This helps employers ensure that they are hiring individuals who are free from substance abuse.
  3. Reasonable suspicion testing: In California, employers can also conduct drug tests if they have a reasonable suspicion that an employee is using drugs or under the influence of drugs while at work. This is often based on specific observations, behaviors, or performance issues that indicate substance abuse.
  4. Random drug testing limitations: Random drug testing is generally not permitted in California, except for certain safety-sensitive positions or industries where drug use could pose a significant risk to public safety.

By understanding the legality of drug testing in California, you can better navigate the job application process and be aware of your rights as an employee. Keep in mind that Target, like other employers, is responsible for following these laws and regulations when implementing its drug testing policies in California. So, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with their policies and procedures before applying for a job.


Understanding Target’s drug testing policies in California is crucial when considering employment opportunities. The comprehensive approach taken by Target ensures a safe and drug-free workplace. While marijuana is legal for recreational use in California, employers like Target still have the right to test for it.

It is important to note that drug testing in California is subject to certain legalities. The legalization of marijuana has impacted the landscape of drug testing, but employers can still conduct pre-employment and reasonable suspicion testing. Random drug testing, however, is subject to limitations.

Before applying for a job at Target, it is essential to familiarize yourself with their drug testing policies to ensure compliance. By understanding the types of drugs commonly tested for and the legalities surrounding drug testing in California, you can be better prepared for the application process.

Remember, being knowledgeable about Target’s drug testing policies in California not only demonstrates your commitment to a drug-free workplace but also helps you make informed decisions about your employment prospects.

Can I be drug tested if I apply for a job at Target in California?

Yes, Target can drug test applicants for employment in California.